We started the season off with the traditional Winter Park Parade. We had a fun time with Nana (Papa had a golf game scheduled :-) ), Brett, Jenny, and the boys. It was rainy and cold when we arrived, but it stopped in time for the start of the parade.
It's beginning to look (not so much) like Christmas...
Because of our plans to go to Pa for Christmas, we celebrated with Brett and Jenny a week early. We had a very yummy meal that my parents prepared, opened presents, and had a fun time watching the cousins play. Then, it was time to go home for Cory's surprise to Ellie. She had been asking for months to go camping, so Cory had prepared to set our tent up in the playroom for an indoor camp out (in). All was good, until Cory wakes up at 2 am, with a flu that would last up until a couple days before we left on our trip. With a bottle of Lysol, a ton of bleach, much prayer, and the Lord's goodness, no one else caught it.
Cory recovered and we quickly caught up on getting the van ready, packing for 5, getting Christmas presents ready, etc. We had a nice pre Christmas dinner with mom and dad Anderson. I forgot my camera so all of those pictures are on their camera. By the way, they are in Kentucky as I write, awaiting the arrival of their 10th grandchild. Jason and Casey (Cory's sister) are expecting their first baby. They were expecting him by Christmas, still no baby. Cory claims he is going to be their anniversary present, which would be tomorrow. Please be praying for them as they prepare to meet their little boy. This was a busy year of babies... the twins, Jonas (Cory's brother) and Brandy welcomed Kayleigh on Dec. 18th, and now we look forward to the birth of Lincoln Neil.
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow...
Ok, off to Pa we go.... We traveled to go see my grandma this year. She is 85 years old and is now having dialysis treatment 3 days a week. She was very thankful for the visit and we were so thankful to have the time with her. Ellie told us, a couple of times, that her favorite part of the trip was seeing Grandma Great.
It didn't snow much, but Ellie was quite content with the little snow that did fall. She made her, much anticipated, snow angel as soon as we went outside. We took her snow tubing at a resort in my grandma's town. We had so much fun! I was wondering if she would be scared, because the tubes were going down so fast and the slope is much steeper than it appears in the picture. Nope, she laughed the whole way down and when we reached the bottom she said, "That was fun, can we go again." The girl has no fear when it comes to adventure.
Deck the Halls...
Ellie and I decorated a gingerbread house for our table centerpiece...
Merry Christmas!
We enjoyed Christmas Eve service at my grandma's church. Then, we woke up Christmas morning, read the Christmas story, enjoyed opening presents and spending time with all the relatives.
We're back and I'm excited about getting back in the routine. We are going out tonight as a family for New Year's Eve. I will post pictures soon.... Happy New Year everyone!